Why You Should Talk About Your Sexual Health

Feel awkward talking about your STI status? You’re not alone. Here’s why you should talk to your partners about your intimate health, and some of the benefits that come along with it!

STI rates are increasing across the US. Contrary to popular belief, there’s no “type” of person who gets an STI. Which means you’re not invincible to getting one. (CDC, 2024)

Many STI transmissions are asymptomatic. Barriers and assumptions about your STI status aren’t sufficient enough to reduce STI transmissions.

Talking about STIs and getting tested only feels awkward because you weren’t taught how to do it. Here are some of the benefits…

Talking about your intimate health with your partners can help you …

⭐️develop and increase awareness around your intimate health and STI status

⭐️maintain open lines of communication (no matter the type or length of your relationship)

⭐️create the foundation for transparency and trust in your intimate life (and beyond)

⭐️stay informed and updated on the latest intimate health guidance

⭐️navigate intimacy with partners who have herpes or other STIs

⭐️reduce the likelihood of STI transmission

⭐️reduce the experience and impact of stigma for people with STIs

⭐️redefine intimate health as self-care

Anything done for the first time can feel scary or awkward. I challenge you to really think about where you learned to fear STI testing and why as you work to integrate these practices into your self-care routine.


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