Understanding HSV-1: Cold Sores, Genital Herpes, and the Importance of Disclosure

Let’s talk about HSV-1 aka cold sores aka oral herpes aka genital herpes, too. Based on my recent story question, people seemed to love the science vs. socialization format so I’m going to do my best to make it a regular feature.

Many folks look at HSV-1 as the “better” herpes, or use it as a reason for non-disclosure with their partners. They might say something like, “Well I don’t have to disclose because I don’t have *that* herpes.” Or, “It’s just cold sores why does it matter.”

While much of this comes from a place of stigma, it also stems from a lack of comprehensive sex education. Much of this reasoning is only used as internal dialogue before making a decision to engage with partners. Meaning the safer sex conversation might not even happen, and if it does, they likely won’t disclose their status.

These nondisclosures can lead to confusion, betrayal, and a lack of trust between partners. Even if it’s someone you never see again. These transmissions can show up in monogamous relationships (ex. one partner performs oral sex on the other with a cold sore which results in a genital presentation).

If you are reading this, thinking, “Okay, I am definitely this person.” I invite you to sit with the reasons you stray from sharing an oral herpes status with your partner. Some of it likely results from lack of education, but I am willing to bet that the majority of hesitance stems from herpes and STI stigma.

As stated in previous posts, I do not know the transmission rates for HSV-1. This is overly simplistic and more detailed information can be found in some of my other posts organized for your convenience in my IG Guides.


Navigating Safer Sex Conversations: Essential Tips for Summer


Navigating Safer Sex Conversations: Recognizing Signs of Abuse in Relationships with Herpes