Ditch New Year’s Resolutions: Embracing Your Own Timeline in 2025

Feeling pressure to transform your entire life in the first week of January? Let’s talk about it.

Around the end and beginning of each year, many of us find ourselves in periods of reflection and introspection.

What went wrong? What could we do better? What do we want more of? What do we want less of? While I think these questions are helpful and healthy for personal development and growth, I feel like society’s pressure to develop resolutions and change ASAP fails to set us up for success.

In my latest Substack, I talk about how it’s easy to feel trapped in society’s expected timelines. Not just at the beginning of a new year, but in LIFE. I know we’ve all seen the common expectation:

fall in love➡️get engaged➡️buy house➡️get married➡️have kids

We know this isn’t realistic, attainable, or even desirable for everyone. But it can be hard to stand alone and do your own thing, too.

No matter what the topic of conversation is here, be it health education, herpes, or being childfree, a common thread is finding YOUR best version of self —whether it’s in your dating life, relationships, or personal growth. You deserve to live and experience your best YOU.

Read the full story about ditching resolutions and choosing your own path—link in bio!

PS important announcement coming Wednesday so stay tuned! 🫶🏻


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