Common Triggers for Recurring Herpes Outbreaks: What You Should Know
Are you someone who experiences recurring outbreaks? Here are some *potential* triggers:
😴Stress and fatigue
🤒Illness and weakened immune system
😘Friction from s-x
☀️Spending extended time in the sun
🍔 Certain foods (person specific)
As a reminder, there are currently no human-trial studies that explore the effects of a “low arginine diet/enzyme-induced arginine deficiency on the frequency and severity of HSV outbreaks.” (O’Rourke, K. Diet and Herpes: Diet Recommendations and Counseling Suggestions. 2022).
Just because you have herpes, doesn’t mean you need to avoid going outside, avoid entire food groups, or avoid s-x.
Triggers vary person-to-person—which is why there is value in bringing awareness to what YOUR unique outbreak triggers may be if you’re looking to reduce the frequency and/or duration.