Identifying Herpes Outbreak Triggers: How to Track and Manage Them

You know what potential outbreak triggers are, but how do you find yours?

Here are a few tips:

CW: for anyone who may find forms of tracking (even behaviors) triggering

1. Keep a checklist with potential outbreak triggers (see previous post)

2. Be mindful of what you have on your plate. Take a look at your calendar. Feeling stressed at work or school? Big event coming up? Feeling sick? These all may impact if and when outbreaks appear.

3. Remember that correlation does not imply causation. Even though the tools listed in this post are helpful, they’re not always definitive and might take time to capture. Some outside factors may be missing from your tracking or thoughts.


Managing Herpes Outbreaks: Practical Tips for Self-Care


Understanding Potential Triggers for Herpes Outbreaks