10 Ideas for Sexual Self-Care

10 ideas to practice sexual self-care!

Yesterday I posted how limiting the popularized version of self-care can be, and how it can be broken down into specific types of self-care.

If you’re looking to get more out of your sex life, whether alone or with your partner(s), check out these ideas!

1. Enhancing your sex ed by consuming more resources. This can be by following someone on IG, investing in a course, or reading more from reputable sources online.

2. Getting regular STI screenings (PSA @dameproducts just launched a new at-home STI test! You can use my code SEXELDUCATION to save!)

3. Talking to your partner(s) about sexual health

4. Scheduling sex or self-pleasure sessions (if you’re into it, you can even have theme nights!)

5. Buying a new toy or lubricant to try

6. Exploring sober sex. Dry January is a perfect time to explore what sober sex feels like.

7. Journaling about your sexual experiences and desires

8. Reading a book about gender and sexuality

9. Connecting with your body through breathwork or movement (if it feels safe for you!)

10. Creating a morning and/or evening routine. This could include scheduling sex pre or post everything shower, reading a book, or watching something erotic.

Some of these ideas may feel more “you” as you read them, but I encourage you to take a chance on some that may seem a little boring or daunting so long as you feel safe in your body.


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