Debunking Myths vs. Facts in Sex Education
When it comes to sex education, did you learn an urban legend or facts?
Myth: Getting tested for everything means all STIs
Truth: Not necessarily! It depends on the provider and their assumptions about your risks. For example, herpes is not included on all STI screenings, but is recommended for certain populations.
Myth: I’ll know if I or one of my partners has an STI by looking at their genitals.
Truth: the only way to know someone’s STI status is to ask them. Many present without symptoms (or the symptoms are mistaken for something else like an ingrown hair or razor burn).
Myth: testing positive for an STI means you did something bad or wrong.
Myth: STIs happen (yes, even with proper condom usage). According to @who more than 1 million STIs are acquired each day across the world.