Casual Sex After Herpes: Disclosure Strategies

Did you hear? I started a Substack🤩!

It’s called Sexual Health Wealth (SHW) — and it’s way more than just navigating STIs.

SHW empowers you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed decisions, turning sexual health into a source of confidence, rather than shame.

Think of it as your guide through the complex world of dating, relationships, and — you know the rest.

I’ll be sharing more of my personal experiences (like my childfree journey), writing about hot sexual health topics, and answering your questions more in-depth than IG allows.

My latest post delves into casual dating post herpes diagnosis. I go in-depth into pros and cons of each method, and how to find the right method for you!

If you enjoy my content on Instagram and are looking for more, or just want to make sure you actually see what I post, subscribing to my Substack is a great way to show your support AND ensure you get the detailed information you need.

Subscribe here, or search “Sexual Health Wealth” on Substack. Can’t wait to see you there!


Everyone Has an STI Status


4 Empowering Ways to Disclose Your STI Status