Safer Sex and Herpes: Why Communication Is Key

Barriers and antivirals aren’t enough to reduce herpes transmission. Safer sex with a partner with herpes requires open, ongoing communication that many are simply unprepared to engage in.

Yes, we know barriers reduce transmission rates—but they’re not 100% effective. Yes, antivirals may work for some folks—but may not work for others and are also not 100% effective in reducing transmission. Yes, we have research studies to point to—but there are holes and absent voices.

The only 100% effective way to avoid genital herpes transmission is to abstain from sex.

One of the greatest assets about dating someone with herpes is their honesty and communication. That’s a skill that is utilized in other areas of sex as well as in life.


Why It's Difficult to Determine Which Partner Gave You Herpes: Five Key Reasons


Unpacking the Impact of School, Media, and Religion on Herpes Stigma