Navigating Changing Boundaries with Sexual Partners: Key Conversations to Have

Your boundaries with your sexual partners are allowed to change. You’ll likely need to have some (potentially) uncomfortable discussions, but these conversations will leave you more fulfilled and standing in your power.

This list offers only a few examples:
1) barrier method usage
2) aftercare! Have you heard of this? Check out @jamiejleclaire’s amazing post!
3) it’s never too late to ask for someone’s STI screening history or results, and depending on their partners, it may come up more often than you think.
4) are you no longer feeling fulfilled? Does pleasure seem one-sided? Say something.
5) sleeping with someone with herpes involves a lot of confrontation with our beliefs. It’s ok to take a step back, but you also don’t need to be an asshole about it.


Examples of Initiating and Reassessing Boundaries in Your Partnerships


Embracing Change: Why Reassessing Boundaries is a Normal Part of Life